Meyer |
Marsden |
Kracht |
Kracht 2 |
116 |
34a |
37a |
4a |
a: number may be smaller due to short-period comets
- 15 March 2015:Possible Meyer group comet count now at 181.
- 11 January 2014:Possible Meyer group comet count now at 159.
- 28 August 2013:Possible Meyer group comet count now at 154, confirmed comet count at 116
- 03 January 2013:Zhijian Xu discovers possible Meyer group comets no. 143-146
- 22 September 2012: Zhijian Xu discovers a possible Meyer group comet (no. 139) in C2 images of 2012 August 1, Sergei Schmalz discovers a possible
Meyer group comet (no. 140) in C2 images of 2012 August 14, Ritsu Tainaka discovers a possible Meyer group comet (no. 141) in C2 images of 2012 August 31,
and Zhijian Xu discovers a possible Meyer group comet (no. 142) in C3 images of 2012 September 18
- 26 July 2012:Peiyuan Sun detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 138) in C2 images of 2012 July 21
- 23 April 2012:Sergei Schmalz, Szymon Liwo and Krzysztof Kida detect a possible Meyer group comet (no. 136) in C2 images of
2012 April 5, and Krzysztof Kida detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 137) in C2 images of 2012 April 15
- 26 March 2012:Bo Zhou detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 135) in C3 images of 2012 March 23
- 18 March 2012:Bo Zhou detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 134) in C2 images of 2012 March 15
- 11 March 2012:Krzysztof Kida detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 133) C3 images of 2012 February 29
- 11 February 2012:Z. Xu detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 130) in C2 and C3 images of 2012 January 30, Sergei Schmalz
detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 131) in C2 images of 2012 February 4, and Szymon Liwo detects a possible Meyer group comet
(no. 132) in C2 images of 2012 February 11
- 11 January 2012: Rob Matson detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 129) in C2 images of 2012 January 6
- 17 December 2011: Sergei Schmalz detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 128) in C2 images of 2011 December 16
- 28 September 2011: Bo Zhu detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 127) in C2 images of 2011 September 14
- 18 July 2011: Zhijian Zhu detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 126) in C2 images of 2011 July 16, and Alan Watson detects
a possible Marsden group comet in C3 images of 2011 July 17
- 15 July 2011: Sergei Schmalz detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 125) in C2 images of 2011 July 14
- 11 July 2011: Masanori Uchina detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 124) in C2 images of 2011 July 11
- 13 June 2011: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Marsden group comet in C2 images of 2011 June 10
- 02 June 2011: Michal Kusiak detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 123) in C2 images of 2011 May 30
- 25 May 2011: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 122) in C2 images of 2011 May 25
- 21 May 2011: Masanori Uchina detects a possible Marsden group comet in C2 images of 2011 May 19-20
- 1 May 2011: Zhijian Xu detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 121) in C2 images of 2011 April 30
- 21 April 2011: Szymon Liwo detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 119) in C2 images of 2011 April 18, and Michal Kusiak
detects another possible Meyer group (no. 120) comet in C2 images of 2011 April 19
- 9 March 2011: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Kracht group comet (no. 38) in
C3 images of 2011 March 9
- 28 February 2011: Masanori Uchina detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 118) in C2/C3 images of 2011 February 27
- 17 February 2011: Rob Matson detects a possible Marsden group comet in C3/C2 images of 2011 February 15-16
- 16 January 2011: Masanori Uchina detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 117) in C2 images of 2011 January 15
- 25 November 2010: Rob Matson detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 115) and Masanori Uchina detects another possible Meyer group comet
(no. 116) in C2 images of 2010 November 25
- 15 November 2010: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 114) in
C2 images of 2010 November 12
- 05 November 2010: Masanori Uchina detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 113) in
C2 images of 2010 November 05
- 27 October 2010: Rob Matson detects a possible Kracht group comet (no. 37) in
C2 images of 2010 October 23
- 03 October 2010: Bo Zhou detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 112) in
C2 images of 2010 October 04
- 03 October 2010: Michal Kusiak detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 111) in
C2 images of 2010 October 02
- 20 September 2010: Jiangao Ruan detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 110) in
C2 images of 2010 September 19
- 30 July 2010: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 109) in
C2 images of 2010 July 29
- 22 June 2010: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Marsden group comet in
C2 images of 2010 June 20, and Bo Zhou detects another possible Marsden group comet in
C2 images of 2010 June 21
- 09 June 2010: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 108) in
C2 images of 2010 June 08
- 19 April 2010: Jiangao Ruan detects a possible Marsden group comet (no. 37) in
C2 images of 2010 April 19
- 15 April 2010: Michal Kusiak detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 107) in
C2 images of 2010 April 15
- 21 March 2010: Michal Kusiak detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 106) in
C2 images of 2010 March 21
- 12 January 2010: Arkadiusz Kubczak detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 105) in
C2 images of 2010 January 12
- 01 January 2010: Jiangao Ruan detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 104) in
C2 images of 2009 December 31
- 24 December 2009: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Kracht group comet (no. 36) in
C2 images of 2009 December 20
- 18 December 2009: Bo Zhou detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 103) in
C2 images of 2009 December 17
- 22 October 2009: Bo Zhou detects a possible Marsden group comet (no. 36) in
C3/C2 images of 2009 October 22
- 18 October 2009: Bo Zhou detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 102)
in C2 images of 2009 October 17
- 15 October 2009: Bo Zhou detects a possible Marsden group comet (no. 35) in
C3/C2 images of 2009 October 13/14
- 28 September 2009: Bo Zhou detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 101)
in C3 images of 2009 September 26/27
- 10 June 2009: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Kracht group comet (no. 35) in
C2 images of 2009 June 09, and T. Hoffman detects another possible Kracht group comet
(no. 34) in C2 images of 2009 June 06
- 16 May 2009: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Marsden group comet (no. 34) in
C2 images of 2009 May 15
- 26 February 2009: Bo Zhou detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 99)
in C2 images of 2009 February 26
- 25 February 2009: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 98)
in C2 images of 2009 February 24
- 29 January 2009: Zhijian Xu detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 97) in C2
images of 2009 January 29
- 23 December 2008: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Marsden group comet (no. 33) in
C2 images of 2008 December 22
- 07 December 2008: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 96) and
a possible Marsden group comet (no. 31) in C2 images of 2008 December 07
- 05 November 2008: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 95) in
C2 images of 2008 November 04
- 19 October 2008: Michal Kusiak detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 94) in
C2 images of 2008 October 18
- 03 October 2008: Bo Zhou detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 93) in
C2 images of 2008 October 02
- 06 September 2008: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Kracht group comet (no. 33) in
C2 images of 2008 September 06
- 04 July 2008: Tony Hoffman detects a possible Kracht group comet (no. 32) in
C2 images of 2008 July 04
- 16 June 2008: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 92) in
C2 images of 2008 June 12
- 12 June 2008: Michal Kusiak detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 91) in
C2 images of 2008 June 12
- 10 June 2008: Rainer Kracht detects two possible Kracht II group comets in
C2 images of 2008 June 10
- 26 May 2008: Jiangao Ruan detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 90) in
C2 images of 2008 May 25
- 08 May 2008: Shihong Yuan detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 89) in
C2 images of 2008 May 05/06
- 07 May 2008: Jiangao Ruan detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 88) in
C2 images of 2008 May 05/06
- 18 April 2008: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 87) in
C2 images of 2008 April 18
- 12 April 2008: Bo Zhou detects a possible Kracht group comet (no. 31) in
C2 images of 2008 April 12/13
- 19 March 2008: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 86) in
C2 images of 2008 March 19
- 05 March 2008: Hua Su detects a possible Kracht group comet (no. 30) in
C2 images of 2008 March 04, and a possible Marsden group comet (no. 31) in C3
images of March 05
- 19 February 2008: Tony Hoffman detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 85) in
C2 images of 2008 February 19
- 16 January 2008: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Marsden group comet (no. 30) in
C2 images of 2008 January 16
- 28 December 2007: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 84) in
C2 images of 2007 December 28
- 21 December 2007: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Marsden group comet (no. 29) in
C2 images of 2007 December 21
- 14 December 2007: Tony Hoffman detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 83) in
C2 images of 2007 December 14
- 10 December 2007: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 82) in
C2 images of 2007 December 10
- 09 November 2007: Zhangwei Jin detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 81) in
C2 images of 2007 October 28
- 28 October 2007: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 80) in
C2 images of 2007 October 28
- 19 September 2007: Arkadiusz Kubczak detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 79) in
C2 images of 2007 September 14
- 18 May 2007: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 78) in
C2 images of 2007 May 18
- 02 May 2007: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 77) in
C2 images of 2007 May 02
- 28 March 2007: Bo Zhou detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 76) in
C2 and C3 images of 2007 March 28
- 13 February 2007: Bo Zhou detects a possible Kracht group comet (no. 29) in
archival C2 images of 2004 May 13
- 07 February 2007: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 75) in
C2 images of 2007 February 07
- 11 January 2007: Tony Hoffman detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 74) in
C2 images of 2007 January 11
- 15 December 2006: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 73) in
C2 images of 2006 December 15
- 23 November 2006: The presumed Meyer group comet no. 72 turned out to be a non-group
comet. Thus the candidate from Oct. 20, 2006, will be presumably no. 72
- 21 October 2006: Tony Hoffman detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 73) in
C2 images of 2006 October 20
- 11 October 2006: Bo Zhou detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 72) in
C2 and C3 images of 2006 October 09/10
- 02 September 2006: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 71) in
C2 images of 2006 September 02
- 23 May 2006: Added own orbital elements for all Meyer group comets.
- 9 May 2006: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 70) in
C2 images of 2006 May 7/8
- 26 March 2006: Tony Hoffman detects a possible Marsden group comet (no. 28) in
C2 images of 2006 March 25
- 23 March 2006: Tony Hoffman detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 69) in
C2 images of 2006 March 22/23
- 22 March 2006: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 68) in
C2 images of 1997 December 15
- 15 March 2006: Rob Matson detects a possible Marsden group comet (no. 27) in
C3 images of 2006 March 15
- 09 March 2006: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 67) in
C2 images of 1998 April 11
- 26 January 2006: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 66) in
C2 images of January 26
- 04 January 2006: Rainer Kracht detects one further possible Kracht group comet
(no. 28) in C2 images of 05 December 1996, and three possible Marsden group comets (no. 24-26)
in C2 images of 29 January 1997.
- 29 December 2005: Rainer Kracht detects two possible Kracht group comets (no. 26 and 27)
in C2/C3 images of December 1996. These are possible precursors of C/2002 S4, S5, S7, and S11.
- 27 December 2005: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 65) in
C2/C3 images of December 25
- 23 December 2005: B. G. Marsden links Marsden group comets C/1999 U2 and
C/2005 W5.
- 04 December 2005: Bo Zhou's Kracht comet C/2005 W4 (SOHO) was linked by B. G.
Marsden to C/2000 O3 (SOHO).
- 01 December 2005: Hua Su detects a possible Marsden group comet (no. 23) in
C2/C3 images of November 29
- 21 November 2005: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 64) in
C2 images of November 20
- 19 November 2005: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 63) in
C2 images of November 19
- 18 November 2005: Hua Su's Marsden comet was confirmed as C/2005 W1 (SOHO). B. G.
Marsden presented a link between this comet and C/2000 C4 (SOHO).
- 17 November 2005: Hua Su detects a rather bright possible Marsden group comet
(no. 22) in C2/C3 images of November 16/17
- 08 October 2005: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 62) in
C2 images of October 08
- 2005 September 08: S. F. Hönig reports in a paper accepted for publication in
Astronomy & Astrophysics
about the successful linkage of two SOHO comets. C/1999 R1 and C/2003 R5
seem to be identical. The orbital period is almost exactly 4 years. Both comets were
assumed to be members of a further possible comet group together with comet C/2002 R5 (SOHO).
In the paper it is shown that the latter comet might have been separated from the main
component at the end of the 19th century and thus strengthens the presented link.
The return of C/2002 R5 is predicted for summer 2006 (assuming a comparable orbital period
as the main component), while the return of C/1999 R1 = C/2003 R5 will occur on Sep. 11, 2007.
The chances for detecting the main component are higher because it is brighter than the fragment.
The paper is available as a pre-print.
- 04 September 2005: Tony Hoffmans possible Marsden group comet turned out to be
a 'sporadic' comet. Also the relation to C/2003 Q1 could not be confirmed.
- An interesting review paper by B. G. Marsden, "Sungrazing Comets", has been published in
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- 30 August 2005: Tony Hoffman a possible Marsden group comet (no. 22?) in
C2 images of August 30, possibly this one is related to C/2003 Q1
- 25 August 2005: Hua Su detects a possible Meyer group comet (no. 61) in
C2 images of August 25
- 23 August 2005: Tony Hoffman detects a Meyer group comet (no. 60) in
C2 images of August 23
- 26 July 2005: Tony Hoffman detects a Meyer group comet (no. 59) in
C2 images of July 26
- 08 July 2005 Added and extended the references section.
- 28 May 2005: Rainer Kracht detects a Meyer group comet (no. 58) in
C2 images of May 28
- 17 May 2005: Rainer Kracht detects a Meyer group comet (no. 57) in
C2 images of May 15
- 29 Apr 2005: Bo Zhou detects a Meyer group comet (no. 56) in
C2 images of Apr 28/29
- 17 Apr 2005: Hua Su detects a Meyer group comet (no. 55) in
C2 images of Apr 17
- 14 Apr 2005: Hua Su detects a Marsden group comet (no. 21) in
C3 images of Apr 14
- 23 Mar 2005: Rainer Kracht reports an archival Meyer group comet (no. 54)
of July 1996 in C3 and C2
- 22 Mar 2005: Rainer Kracht reports an archival Marsden group comet (no. 20)
of Nov 1996 in C3
- 16 Mar 2005: Marsden group comet C/2005 E4 possibly identical with
C/1999 N5
- 13 Mar 2005: Rainer Kracht detects a possible Marsden group comet
(no. 19) in C2 images of 2005 March 10
- 02 Feb 2005: Hua Su finds a possible Meyer group comet (no. 53) in C2
of 02 Feb 2005
- 31 Jan 2005: Bo Zhou finds a possible Meyer group comet (no. 52) in C2
of 30 Jan 2005
- 18 Dec 2004: I have rearranged the structure of the pages. Over the next weeks
there will be also a change and extension of the content of the individual pages.
- 16 Dec 2004: MPEC 2004-X73 reports about the possible linking of Marsden and Kracht
group comets. To include this new knowledge I will do a revision of this page in a few days.
Copyright © 2002-2006 by M. Meyer
If you have any questions, please email me (maik@comethunter.de).